
Assignment 4 [34 marks]

Due before 5pm, Monday 23rd September

Your answers to all questions should be submitted to myUni as a .zip file containing three bash scripts, and a single file containing the answers to the questions 3,4 and 5 (can be in any readable format). [1 marks]

The .zip filename must start with your student number [1 marks] and your bash script must be able to run without errors. Meaningful comments are strongly advised [1 mark]

For all scripts, please use the directory ~/Assignment4 as the parent directory for all downloads and analysis. You will be expected to hard code this into your script. All other folders must be created as subdirectories of this. [1 mark]

Practical questions [25 marks]

  1. Write a script to:
    • Download the genomic sequence (i.e. fasta file) and annotation (i.e. gff file) of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana to the subdirectory Refs/Athaliana from the Ensembl ftp directory (link below) [2 marks]
    • Identify how many chromosomes are in the genome, and write this information to standard output (stdout) [2 marks]
    • Identify how many unique genes are located in the genome, and send this information to stdout? [2 marks]
    • Create a genome index [1 marks]
  2. Write a second script to download the sequencing data contained at these links (using curl or wget) to the directory 01_rawData/fastq: [2 marks]
    • SRR5882792_10M_1.fastq.gz
    • SRR5882792_10M_2.fastq.gz
    • Trim your data for poor quality bases and remove adapters using cutadapt. Write your output to the directory 02_trimmedData/fastq [3 marks]
    • Align paired-end reads to the genome index using bwa mem, resulting in a single .bam file in the directory 03_alignedData/bam. Ensure there are no intermediary .sam files saved. [3 marks]
    • Sort and index your bam file [2 marks]
  3. Write a third script to export the following information as a tab-delimited file to the parent directory. Include the category as the first column, and the numbers as the second column
    • How many reads were mapped in total? [1 marks]
    • How many reads were mapped as a pair? [1 marks]
    • How many reads were mapped as a “proper” pair? [1 marks]
    • Find the Arabidopsis thaliana gene associated with your ID below and identify how many inserts mapped to that region [5 marks]

Theoretical questions [5 marks]

  1. What is the difference between an index and a barcode? [2 marks]
  2. What is the difference between a SAM file and a BAM file? [1 marks]
  3. What does the CIGAR string “26M2I78M” mean? [2 marks]

Genes For Question 3

If your student number is not listed, please contact Dan to ensure you are added to the list

ID Gene
a1762813 AT5G39980
a1202401 AT3G19540
a1776494 AT3G27570
a1778618 AT4G05470
a1705074 AT5G42410
a1790457 AT1G63340
a1758382 AT4G14350
a1789913 AT5G55530
a1776998 AT1G78670
a1776430 AT5G66320
a1770716 AT4G13130
a1739682 AT1G62450
a1758693 AT1G20720
a1781987 AT5G45000
a1768114 AT2G36210
a1700271 AT4G18590
a1646510 AT1G72390
a1779487 AT4G35987
a1778287 AT1G49700
a1783535 AT3G12990
a1789486 AT1G47640
a1758223 AT3G23175
a1769266 AT5G61580
a1771465 AT3G28674
a1768183 AT1G48770
a1781873 AT1G03390
a1755783 AT3G12210
a1679475 AT1G49100
a1662216 AT2G23540
a1780859 AT3G29180
a1775769 AT1G55270
