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Transcripts for question 1, with different transcription start sites but the same termination site. The direction of transcription is shown by the arrows
Our gene of interest has two possible transcripts, A and B. The shorter transcript (B) is 400bp long, whilst the longer transcript (A) is 1200bp long. In our RNA Seq experiment using 150bp single-end reads, we observed 100 reads in each of our two conditions, however:
Ensure you include your R
code for any calculations in this question.
For the following table, our mRNA of interest is from FOXO1, and we have used ACTB as the housekeeper.
Replicate | Group | \(C_T\) FOXO1 | \(C_T\) ACTB | \(\Delta C_T\) |
Replicate 1 | Treated | 21.2 | 7.1 | |
Replicate 1 | Control | 19.7 | 7.3 | |
Replicate 2 | Treated | 19.3 | 6.6 | |
Replicate 2 | Control | 17.3 | 6.7 | |
Replicate 3 | Treated | 22.5 | 8.7 | |
Replicate 3 | Control | 19.9 | 8.7 |
Replicate | \(\Delta \Delta C_T\) |
Replicate 1 | |
Replicate 2 | |
Replicate 3 |
Discuss 3 advantages that RNA-Seq data has over microarray data.