nCores <- min(12, detectCores() - 1)
logit <- binomial()$linkfun
alpha <- 0.05
w <- 169/25.4
h <- 169/25.4


This analysis takes the filtered SNPs from the previous section and analyses their population frequencies amongst the two populations. The two populations are referred to below as Population 1 (Gum Creek, 1996) and Population 2 (Oraparinna, 2012).

Outline of analysis

The analysis uses two simple models fully described by Lewis in Genetic association studies: Design, analysis and interpretation to detect statistically significant differences between the two populations

  1. A full genotype model based on genotype counts, which will detect changes in the structure of heterozygous or homozygous nature of genotypes
  2. A multiplicative model based on allele counts in which the impact of a single copy of an allele will be tested.
  • Prior to analysis, PCA was performed as a data exploration procedure
  • Models were tested using Fisher’s Exact Test to allow for low counts in contingency tables more robustly than \(\chi^2\) test
  • Multiple testing adjustments were performed using both Bonferroni’s method and the Benjamini-Hochberg method to assess results in the context of both FWER and FDR control.

Data Setup

allData <- file.path("..", "data", "filteredSNPs.tsv.gz") %>%
  gzfile() %>%
  read_delim(delim = "\t") 
popSizes <- allData %>%
  group_by(`Pop ID`) %>%
  summarise(N = max(N)) %>%
  mutate(Population = c("1996", "2012")[`Pop ID`],
         Description = c("Gum Creek", "Oraparinna")[`Pop ID`]) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::select(contains("Pop"), Description, N)

Data from the 20,336 SNPs selected for testing was loaded, and sample sizes formed as a simple table. Using the observed major allele frequencies (P) and heterozygote frequencies (Obs Het), the allele frequency and genotype frequency tables were constructed.

allCounts <- allData %>%
  mutate(A = round(P*2*N, 0), 
         B = round((1-P)*2*N, 0), 
         AB = round(`Obs Het`*N, 0), 
         AA = round((A - AB)/2, 0), 
         BB = round((B - AB)/2, 0)) %>%
  dplyr::select(snpID, `Pop ID`, A, B, AA, AB, BB)

The complete set of minor allele counts derived from the original genepop file was also loaded

minorAlleleCounts <- file.path("..", "data", "minorAlleleCounts.tsv.gz") %>%
  gzfile() %>%
  read_tsv() %>% %>%
  column_to_rownames("sampleID") %>%

Populations are defined by the sample names in this object were also defined.

allelePops <- gsub("(gc|ora|TF|Y|pt|tf).+", "\\1", rownames(minorAlleleCounts))
allelePops[!allelePops %in% c("gc", "ora")] <- "tf"
allelePops <- as.factor(allelePops)
names(allelePops) <- rownames(minorAlleleCounts)

In addition, the metadata from 2012 sample collection was loaded.

sampleMetadata <- file.path("..", "data", "Samples_Nov2012_GumCreek.xlsx") %>%
  read_excel(skip = 1) %>%
  mutate(ID = gsub("[Oo][Rr][Aa] ", "ora", ID))

GPS Locations were added to the metadata.

gpsPoints <-file.path("..", "data", "GPS_Locations.xlsx") %>%
  read_excel() %>%
  dplyr::select(ID = Sample, ends_with("tude")) %>%
  mutate(ID = gsub("[Oo][Rr][Aa] ([0-9ABC]*)", "ora\\1", ID))
sampleMetadata %<>% left_join(gpsPoints, by = "ID")

Principal Component Analysis

Missing Values

In order to perform PCA, missing values must be either imputed or the entire sample/SNPs must be removed.

missingBySample <- minorAlleleCounts %>%
  apply(MARGIN = 1, function(x){mean(}) 

8 samples were missing information for more than 1/3 of SNPs and for the purposes of PCA, these samples were removed from the dataset.

missingByAllele <- minorAlleleCounts %>%
  magrittr::extract(missingBySample <= 1/3,) %>%
  apply(MARGIN = 2, function(x){mean(}) 

Of these remaining samples 9261 alleles were identified in >95% of individuals, and this subset of the data was then chosen as the basis for PCA.

dataForPCA <- minorAlleleCounts[missingBySample <= 1/3, missingByAllele < 0.05]

Missing values were then randomly sampled using the distribution of alleles in the remaining samples. Population structure was not taken into account at this point so as to not artificially inflate correlations within populations.

dataForPCA %<>%
  apply(MARGIN = 2, function(x){
    missing <-
    if (sum(missing) > 0) {
      x[missing] <- sample(x[!missing], sum(missing),replace = TRUE)

After this process it was noted that there was no allelic differences amongst the remaining samples for 2 SNPs, implying that the observed variants at these loci were contained within the samples with large numbers of missing data. These loci were also removed before performing PCA.

dataForPCA %<>% magrittr::extract(, apply(., MARGIN = 2, function(x){length(unique(x))}) > 1)

PCA Including The Outgroup Samples

outgroupPCA <- dataForPCA %>%
  prcomp(center = TRUE)

The two Gum Creek populations (1996 & 2012) clearly showed differences to the outgroup, however a strong “tail” was noted for some of the 2012 population along PC2. Samples were assigned to groups using k-means clustering (k = 3) based on the first 3 principal components. The samples classified as forming this tail were investigated using the GPS collection point. The vast majority were found to come from the central collection region, and members of this sub-population are indicated on the PCA plot, as based on the initial k-means clustering.

pcaForPlot <- outgroupPCA$x %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column("sampleID") %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  dplyr::select(sampleID, PC1, PC2, PC3) %>%
  mutate(Population = allelePops[sampleID]) %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(Population = if_else(Population == "gc", "Gum Creek (1996)",
                              if_else(Population == "ora", "Oraparinna (2012)", "Outgroup (Turretfield)"))) %>%
  left_join(sampleMetadata, by = c("sampleID" = "ID")) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(Cluster = kmeans(cbind(PC1, PC2, PC3), 3)$cluster)
getRegions <- pcaForPlot %>% 
  filter(grepl("2012", Population)) %>% 
  droplevels() %>% 
  group_by(Cluster) %>% 
  summarise(maxY = max(Latitude)) %>%
  mutate(Region = c("Central", "Outer")[(maxY == max(maxY)) + 1])
pcaForPlot %<>% 
  left_join(getRegions) %>%
  mutate(Population = gsub(".+\\(([0-9]+)\\)", "\\1", Population),
         Population = ifelse(grepl("2012", Population), 
                             paste0("2012 (", Region, ")"), Population)) 
*PCA for all samples including the outgroup and indicating the sample collection region for the 2012 samples.*

PCA for all samples including the outgroup and indicating the sample collection region for the 2012 samples.

gc <- SpatialPoints(cbind(x = 138.655972, y = -31.200305))
proj4string(gc) <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +no_defs"
saPoly <-  file.path("..", "data", "saPoly.RDS") %>% readRDS()
roads <- file.path("..", "data", "roads.RDS") %>% readRDS()
xBreaks <- seq(138.65, 138.8, by = 0.05)
xLabs <- parse(text = paste(xBreaks, "*degree ~ W", sep = ""))
yBreaks <- seq(-31.2, -31.32, by = -0.04)
yLabs <- parse(text = paste(-yBreaks, "*degree ~ S", sep = ""))
leftN <- data_frame(x = c(138.7965, 138.8, 138.8) - 0.01,
                    y = c(-31.2, -31.198, -31.193))
rightN <- data_frame(x = c(138.8, 138.8, 138.8035) - 0.01,
                     y = c(-31.193, -31.198, -31.2))
zoomPlot <- ggmap(ggMap, extent = "normal", maprange = FALSE) +
  geom_path(aes(long, lat, group = group), data = subset(roads, SURFACE== "UNSE"), linetype = 2, size = 0.3) + 
  geom_path(aes(long, lat, group = group), data = subset(roads, SURFACE!= "UNSE"), linetype = 1, size = 0.4) +
  geom_label(x = 138.74, y = -31.29, label = "Flinders Ranges NP", alpha = 0.4) +
  geom_label(x = 138.72, y = -31.22, label = "Gum Creek", alpha = 0.4) +
  geom_point(aes(x, y), data =, shape = 3, size = 3) +
  geom_text(aes(x, y), label = "HS", data =, nudge_y = 0.005) +
  geom_polygon(data = subset(saPoly, F_CODE == "HD"),
               aes(long, lat, group = group),
               fill = rgb(1, 1, 1, 0), colour = "grey10", size = 0.3) +
  geom_polygon(data = subset(saPoly, F_CODE == "PARK"),
               aes(long, lat, group = group),
               fill = rgb(1, 1, 1, 0), colour = "grey10", size = 0.2) +
  geom_point(data= filter(pcaForPlot, grepl("ora", sampleID)), 
             aes(Longitude, Latitude, colour = Population), size = 0.9*ps) +
  geom_polygon(aes(x, y), data = leftN, fill = "white", colour = "grey10", size = 0.4) +
  geom_polygon(aes(x, y), data = rightN, fill = "grey10", colour = "grey10", size = 0.4) +
  geom_text(x = 138.79, y = -31.19, label = "N", 
            colour = "grey10", size = 4) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = popCols[2:3]) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim=c(138.618, 138.81),
                  ylim=c(-31.335, -31.18),
                  expand = 0) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = xBreaks, labels = xLabs) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = yBreaks, labels = yLabs) +
  guides(colour = FALSE) +
  ggsn::scalebar(x.min = 138.618, x.max = 138.81, 
           y.min = -31.335, y.max = -31.18,
           dist = 2, dd2km = TRUE, model = 'GRS80', 
           height = 0.012, st.size = 4,
           location = 'bottomright',
           anchor = c(x =138.8, y = -31.328)) +
  labs(x = "Longitude",
       y = "Latitude") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(text = element_text(size = fs),
        plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "mm"))
ausPolygon <- file.path("..", "data", "ausPolygon.RDS") %>% readRDS()
ausPts <- SpatialPoints(cbind(x = loc[1], y = loc[2]))
proj4string(ausPts) <- proj4string(ausPolygon)
ausPlot <- ggplot()+
               aes(long, lat, group = group), fill = "white", colour = "black") + 
  geom_point(data =, aes(x, y), size = 1.5) +
  theme_void() +
  theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"))
Figure 2: Collection points for all 2012 samples with colours showing sub-populations initially defined by PCA analysis and *k*-means clustering.

Figure 2: Collection points for all 2012 samples with colours showing sub-populations initially defined by PCA analysis and k-means clustering.

Zoomed-in view of the central region for 2012 samples with colours showing sub-populations defined by PCA analysis. The region considered to be the Central Region is shaded in red. Due to overlapping GPS points a small amount of jitter has been added to the x-axis.

Zoomed-in view of the central region for 2012 samples with colours showing sub-populations defined by PCA analysis. The region considered to be the Central Region is shaded in red. Due to overlapping GPS points a small amount of jitter has been added to the x-axis.

In order to more accurately define samples based on the collection region, 2012 samples located within the bounds of the shaded region above were classed as being from the central region, whilst other 2012 samples were considered as being from the outer region.

Region Analysis

Removal of SNPs Associated with Collection Region

The structure observed within the 2012 population in the PCA could possibly be explained by recent migration into this region. As the samples collected in the outer regions appeared very similar to the 1996 population in the above plots, this would possibly indicate this a very recent event as the genetic influence of this has not spread through the wider area. Although this may be due to other factors such as sampling bias, this structure was addressed by identifying SNPs which showed an association with the sub-populations identified by PCA analysis. In this way, any candidate SNPs obtained below will be less impacted by this structure, and will be more reflective of the intended variable under study, as opposed to any internal structure of the 2012 population.

oraRegions <- pcaForPlot %>% 
  filter(grepl("2012", Population)) %>% 
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(yCentral = cut(Latitude, breaks = central["y",], include.lowest = TRUE), 
         xCentral = cut(Longitude, breaks = central["x",], include.lowest = TRUE),
         Central = ( + == 0) %>%
  dplyr::select(sampleID, Central) %>% %>%

Testing for Structure in 2012

This model tests:
H0: No association between genotypes and collection region
HA: An association exists between genotypes and collection region

ora <- grep("ora", rownames(minorAlleleCounts), value = TRUE)
regionResults <- minorAlleleCounts %>%
  magrittr::extract(ora,) %>%
  apply(MARGIN = 2, function(x){
    mat <- table(oraRegions[ora, "Central"], x)
    if (ncol(mat) > 1){

A total of 1943 SNPs were detected as showing a significant association between genotype and the collection region. Under H0, the number expected using α = 0.05 would be 1016, and as this number was approximately double that expected, this was taken as evidence of this being a genuine point of concerning this data.

Type II errors were of principle concern in this instance, and as such every SNP with p < 0.05 in the above test was excluded from downstream analysis.

regionSNPs <- names(which(regionResults < 0.05))
regionSNPs %>% writeLines(file.path("..", "results", "regionSNPs.txt"))

Under this additional filtering step, the original set of 20336 SNPs will be reduced to 18393 for testing by genotype and allele frequency.

Verification Of Removal

In order to verify that the removal of the above SNPs removed the undesired population structure from the 2012 population, the above PCA was repeated, excluding the SNPs marked for removal. The previous structure noted in the data was no longer evident, and as such, these SNPs were marked for removal during analysis by genotype and allele frequency.

reducedPCA <- dataForPCA %>%
  magrittr::extract(, !colnames(.) %in% regionSNPs) %>%
*Figure 2: Principal Components Analysis showing structures before removal of SNPs denoting collection region in the 2012 population, and after removal of these SNPs*

Figure 2: Principal Components Analysis showing structures before removal of SNPs denoting collection region in the 2012 population, and after removal of these SNPs

Data Export For Generation of Phylogenies

The SNP information for the original 20336 alleles was then exported for phylogenetic analysis. The same subset of 135 samples was used for this analysis as was used for the PCA analysis above.

gzOut <- file.path("..", "data", "snpForPhylo.tsv.gz") %>% gzfile("w")
minorAlleleCounts %>% %>% 
  rownames_to_column("sampleID") %>%
  left_join(pcaForPlot) %>%
  dplyr::select(sampleID, Population, contains("_")) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(Population = ifelse(grepl("Oraparinna", Population),
                             c("Oraparinna Outer (2012)", "Oraparinna Central (2012)")[oraRegions[sampleID,"Central"] + 1], Population),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Turretfield", Population), rgb(0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.7), ""),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Gum", Population), rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.7), colour),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Central", Population), rgb(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 0.9), colour),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Outer", Population), rgb(0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.9), colour)) %>%
  dplyr::select(sampleID, Population, colour, everything()) %>%

The same data was also exported subsetting SNPs based on collection region effects.

gzOut <- file.path("..", "data", "regionSnpForPhylo.tsv.gz") %>% gzfile("w")
minorAlleleCounts %>% 
  magrittr::extract(, regionSNPs) %>% %>% 
  rownames_to_column("sampleID") %>%
  left_join(pcaForPlot) %>%
  dplyr::select(sampleID, Population, contains("_")) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(Population = ifelse(grepl("Oraparinna", Population),
                             c("Oraparinna Outer (2012)", "Oraparinna Central (2012)")[oraRegions[sampleID,"Central"] + 1], Population),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Turretfield", Population), rgb(0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.7), ""),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Gum", Population), rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.7), colour),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Central", Population), rgb(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 0.9), colour),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Outer", Population), rgb(0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.9), colour)) %>%
  dplyr::select(sampleID, Population, colour, everything()) %>%
gzOut <- file.path("..", "data", "noRegionSnpForPhylo.tsv.gz") %>% gzfile("w")
minorAlleleCounts %>% 
  magrittr::extract(, setdiff(colnames(.), regionSNPs)) %>% %>% 
  rownames_to_column("sampleID") %>%
  left_join(pcaForPlot) %>%
  dplyr::select(sampleID, Population, contains("_")) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(Population = ifelse(grepl("Oraparinna", Population),
                             c("Oraparinna Outer (2012)", "Oraparinna Central (2012)")[oraRegions[sampleID,"Central"] + 1], Population),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Turretfield", Population), rgb(0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.7), ""),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Gum", Population), rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.7), colour),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Central", Population), rgb(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 0.9), colour),
         colour = ifelse(grepl("Outer", Population), rgb(0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.9), colour)) %>%
  dplyr::select(sampleID, Population, colour, everything()) %>%

SNP Analysis

Genotype Frequency Model

This model tests:
H0: No association between genotypes and populations
HA: An association exists between genotypes and populations

genotypeResults <- allCounts %>%
  filter(!snpID %in% regionSNPs) %>%
  split(f = .$snpID) %>%
    mat <- as.matrix(x[,c("AA", "AB",  "BB")])
    ft <- fisher.test(mat)
    data_frame(snpID = unique(x$snpID),
               p = ft$p.value)
  }, mc.cores = nCores) %>%
  bind_rows() %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(p, method = "bonferroni"),
         FDR = p.adjust(p, method = "fdr")) %>%

Under the full genotype model:

  • 0 genotypes were detected as being significantly associated with the two populations when controlling the FWER at α = 0.05
  • 0 genotypes were detected as being significantly associated with the two populations when controlling the FDR at α = 0.05
  • If controlling the FDR at 10% however, a total of 29 genotypes were considered as potentially associated with the population structure
  • For the most highly ranked SNP (147965_18), the minor allele has been completely lost in the 2012 population
SNPs with raw p-values < 1e-04 when analysing by genotype. All SNPs were considered significant using an FDR < 0.1
snpID Chr BP p FDR
147965_18 7 131,862,327 6.312e-06 0.08885
158509_87 5 12,946,260 1.365e-05 0.08885
104906_36 13 125,904,892 1.811e-05 0.08885
98522_63 14 34,667,589 2.712e-05 0.08885
101831_18 14 92,793,012 2.741e-05 0.08885
72765_47 18 25,311,139 4.157e-05 0.08885
72766_17 18 25,311,176 4.157e-05 0.08885
72765_61 18 25,311,153 5.227e-05 0.08885
37345_16 GL018754 1,365,061 5.665e-05 0.08885
157157_45 6 27,103,576 5.68e-05 0.08885
21896_11 GL018881 24,230 6.265e-05 0.08885
157156_58 6 27,103,573 6.578e-05 0.08885
80772_39 17 69,838,525 8.448e-05 0.08885
185586_34 2 47,053,622 8.657e-05 0.08885
151791_54 7 38,250,131 9.501e-05 0.08885
151249_77 7 2,702,916 9.629e-05 0.08885
151251_13 7 2,702,919 9.629e-05 0.08885
233206_29 GL018881 88,327 9.849e-05 0.08885
37350_8 GL018754 1,395,711 1e-04 0.08885
Figure 3a: Manhattan plot showing results for all SNPs on chromosomes 1:21 for analysis by genotype. The horizontal line indicates the cutoff for an FDR of 10%

Figure 3a: Manhattan plot showing results for all SNPs on chromosomes 1:21 for analysis by genotype. The horizontal line indicates the cutoff for an FDR of 10%

Allele Frequency Model

This model tests:
H0: No association between allele frequencies and populations
HA: An association exists between allele frequencies and populations

alleleResults <- allCounts %>%
  filter(!snpID %in% regionSNPs) %>%
  split(f = .$snpID) %>%
    mat <- as.matrix(x[,c("A", "B")])
    ft <- fisher.test(mat)
    data_frame(snpID = unique(x$snpID),
               p = ft$p.value)
  }, mc.cores = nCores) %>%
  bind_rows() %>%
  mutate(adjP = p.adjust(p, method = "bonferroni"),
         FDR = p.adjust(p, method = "fdr")) %>%

Under this model:

  • 2 SNP alleles were detected as being significantly associated with the two populations when controlling the FWER at α = 0.05. However, as these SNPs were within 21nt of each other, this may represent the same haplotype
  • 16 SNP alleles were detected as being significantly associated with the two populations when controlling the FDR at α = 0.05
  • extending the FDR to 10% yielded 31 SNP alleles
SNPs considered as significant when analysing by genotype using an FDR cutoff of 0.05
snpID Chr BP p adjP FDR
167108_14 4 84,940,235 9.143e-07 0.01682 0.01075
167107_60 4 84,940,214 1.169e-06 0.0215 0.01075
101831_18 14 92,793,012 4.112e-06 0.07564 0.02059
50206_34 GL018713 365,938 4.478e-06 0.08237 0.02059
98522_63 14 34,667,589 8.562e-06 0.1575 0.0235
21896_11 GL018881 24,230 1.159e-05 0.2132 0.0235
147965_18 7 131,862,327 1.235e-05 0.2272 0.0235
233206_29 GL018881 88,327 1.266e-05 0.2328 0.0235
151249_77 7 2,702,916 1.431e-05 0.2632 0.0235
151251_13 7 2,702,919 1.431e-05 0.2632 0.0235
80772_39 17 69,838,525 1.468e-05 0.2699 0.0235
53831_42 GL018704 4,853,505 1.533e-05 0.282 0.0235
21896_47 GL018881 24,194 2.106e-05 0.3874 0.029
72765_61 18 25,311,153 2.434e-05 0.4477 0.029
72765_47 18 25,311,139 2.523e-05 0.464 0.029
72766_17 18 25,311,176 2.523e-05 0.464 0.029
Manhattan plot showing results for all SNPs on chromosomes 1:21 when analysing by allele frequencies. The horizontal line indicates the cutoff for an FDR of 10%, with SNPs considered significant under the Bonferroni adjustment shown in green.

Manhattan plot showing results for all SNPs on chromosomes 1:21 when analysing by allele frequencies. The horizontal line indicates the cutoff for an FDR of 10%, with SNPs considered significant under the Bonferroni adjustment shown in green.

FLK Analysis

The FLK analysis performed separately was also included in order to compare the differing approaches. It should be noted that this analytic approach is very closely related to analysis by allele frequency, however, instead of Fisher’s Exact Test a Chi-squared model is utilised incorporating genetic distances to ccount for genetics drift.

flkResults <- file.path("..", "results", "flkResults.tsv") %>%
pdf(file.path("..", "figures", "FigureS3b.pdf"), height = 0.6*h, width = w)
hLine <- max(filter(flkResults, FDR < 0.05)$F.LK.p.val)
hLight <- filter(flkResults, P_bonf< 0.05, Chr %in% 1:21)$snpID
flkResults %>%
  left_join(allData) %>%
  distinct(snpID, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  filter(Chr %in% 1:21) %>%
  mutate(Chr = as.numeric(Chr)) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  dplyr::select(SNP = snpID, CHR = Chr, BP, P = F.LK.p.val) %>%
  manhattan(suggestiveline = FALSE, 
            genomewideline = -log10(hLine),
            highlight = hLight)
## png 
##   2
Figure 3b: Manhattan plot showing results for all SNPs on chromosomes 1:21 for analysis using FLK. The horizontal line indicates the cutoff for an FDR of 5%. Highlighted SNPs were considered significant after Bonferroni's adjustment

Figure 3b: Manhattan plot showing results for all SNPs on chromosomes 1:21 for analysis using FLK. The horizontal line indicates the cutoff for an FDR of 5%. Highlighted SNPs were considered significant after Bonferroni’s adjustment

Bayescan Analysis

snpsForBayescan <- file.path("..", "data", "filteredSNPs.genepop.gz") %>%
  gzfile() %>%
  readLines(n = 2) %>%
  extract2(2) %>%
  strsplit(",") %>%

The analysis tool Bayescan was also run on the set of 20,336 SNPs exported as a genepop file after the previous filtering steps. The program was run setting the FDR to 0.1. Any SNPs detected above as tracking with the internal structure of the 2012 population were discarded from the results.

bayes10 <- file.path("..", "results", "BayOut_FDR10.csv") %>%
  read_csv() %>%
  mutate(snpID = snpsForBayescan[SNP])%>%
  dplyr::select(snpID, everything(), -SNP) %>%
  filter(!snpID %in% regionSNPs)

Comparison of Results

fdr <- c(genotype = 0.1, allele = 0.05, flk = 0.05)
sigSNPs <- c(filter(genotypeResults,FDR < fdr["genotype"])$snpID,
             filter(alleleResults, FDR < fdr["allele"])$snpID,
             filter(flkResults, FDR < fdr["flk"])$snpID,
             bayes10$snpID) %>%
  unique %>% %>%
  set_names("snpID") %>%
  mutate(genotype = snpID %in% filter(genotypeResults,FDR < fdr["genotype"])$snpID,
         allele = snpID %in% filter(alleleResults,FDR < fdr["allele"])$snpID,
         flk = snpID %in% filter(flkResults, FDR < fdr["flk"])$snpID,
         bayescan = snpID %in% bayes10$snpID)

No novel SNPs were detected by Bayescan or by allele frequency down to an FDR of 0.1 or 0.05 respectively. As such, the Bayescan & allele frequency analyses were disregarded going forward.

Overlap between the lists of SNPs considered as associated with the different populations under either of the two analytic approaches, using an FDR of 0.1 for 'Analysis by Genotype' and Bayescan, with an FDR of 0.05 for 'Analysis by Allele' and FLK.

Overlap between the lists of SNPs considered as associated with the different populations under either of the two analytic approaches, using an FDR of 0.1 for ‘Analysis by Genotype’ and Bayescan, with an FDR of 0.05 for ‘Analysis by Allele’ and FLK.

SNPs Associated With Populations Under Both Approaches

The list of SNPs detected as associated with the population structure under both FLK and analysis by genotype is given below.

Summary of changes in the major (P) allele between the two timepoints. Changes in the log Odds ratio of observing the major allele are given, along with estimated population frequencies. Results from testing by genotype or FLK are given as raw p-values. All SNPs were considered as differentially associated with the two populations under both analyses to an FDR of 10% (genotype) or 5% (FLK)
snpID Chr BP Change in log(OR) P_1996 P_2012 Genotype_p FLK_p
127156_20 10 14,373,457 -1.291 0.5 0.2157 0.0001159 8.942e-05
104906_36 13 125,904,892 -1.492 0.9302 0.75 1.811e-05 4.988e-05
98522_63 14 34,667,589 -1.897 0.9375 0.6923 2.712e-05 6.373e-08
80772_39 17 69,838,525 1.584 0.5952 0.8776 8.448e-05 5.139e-05
72765_47 18 25,311,139 -1.417 0.8333 0.5481 4.157e-05 2.369e-06
72765_61 18 25,311,153 -1.413 0.8333 0.549 5.227e-05 2.541e-06
72766_17 18 25,311,176 -1.417 0.8333 0.5481 4.157e-05 2.369e-06
68946_78 19 32,825,478 -1.547 0.9062 0.6731 0.0001032 3.433e-06
204810_79 GL018802 439,482 -1.836 0.9583 0.7857 0.0001362 6.111e-06
21896_47 GL018881 24,194 -1.296 0.5426 0.2451 0.0001127 4.562e-05
21896_11 GL018881 24,230 -1.334 0.5521 0.2451 6.265e-05 2.594e-05
233206_29 GL018881 88,327 1.466 0.5357 0.8333 9.849e-05 3.363e-05
Estimated genotype frequencies for SNPs found to be significant under both Full Genotype and FLK models. In each case the `A` allele represents the major allele in the 1996 population.

Estimated genotype frequencies for SNPs found to be significant under both Full Genotype and FLK models. In each case the A allele represents the major allele in the 1996 population.

SNPs Associated With Populations Under Analysis Using FLK Only

Summary of changes in the major (P) allele between the two timepoints. Changes in the log Odds ratio of observing the major allele are given, along with estimated population frequencies. Results from testing by allele count are given as raw p-values. All SNPs were considered as differentially associated with the two populations under FLK analysis to an FDR of 5%.
Chr BP snpID Change in log(OR) P_1996 P_2012 FLK_p
1 20,066,891 195917_31 -1.181 0.7442 0.4717 5.149e-05
1 88,290,774 200447_80 -1.354 0.86 0.6132 1.39e-05
10 14,373,501 127157_45 -1.266 0.5 0.22 0.0001145
10 15,009,977 127237_50 -1.278 0.869 0.6489 6.437e-05
10 15,010,006 127237_21 -1.303 0.8333 0.5761 1.765e-05
11 36,239,538 123550_8 -1.427 0.9091 0.7059 3.233e-05
11 36,239,606 123551_30 -1.317 0.8864 0.6765 6.409e-05
13 15,938,245 107422_35 -2.351 0.9881 0.8878 6.571e-05
13 76,001,299 111958_69 -1.341 0.8958 0.6923 6.507e-05
13 128,331,083 105215_39 -1.199 0.6304 0.3396 5.535e-05
16 735,716 87819_88 -2.016 0.9762 0.8452 2.811e-05
16 69,850,541 87407_11 -1.183 0.62 0.3333 7.397e-05
18 68,517,919 208110_71 -1.304 0.8478 0.602 2.381e-05
18 68,517,942 208111_21 -1.312 0.8478 0.6 2.064e-05
2 93,561,889 214772_69 -2.607 0.9898 0.8774 9.255e-06
20 28,859,654 65474_28 -1.437 0.9149 0.7188 3.942e-05
21 14,643,101 62998_77 -2.474 0.9889 0.8824 2.511e-05
3 53,556,574 175501_56 -1.324 0.8796 0.6604 4.414e-05
4 84,940,214 167107_60 1.987 0.6354 0.9271 1.564e-05
4 84,940,235 167108_14 1.997 0.6383 0.9286 1.64e-05
7 8,307,536 154818_20 -1.427 0.9135 0.717 4.198e-05
9 89,862,459 211772_50 -1.807 0.9535 0.7708 4.259e-06
9 89,862,481 211772_28 -1.627 0.9432 0.7653 2.053e-05
9 89,862,497 211772_12 -1.596 0.9432 0.7708 3.351e-05
9 90,037,571 137949_40 -1.78 0.9667 0.8302 7.017e-05
9 90,037,630 137951_16 -1.803 0.9674 0.8302 5.925e-05
GL018704 4,853,505 53831_42 -1.346 0.7045 0.383 4.169e-06
GL018713 365,938 50206_34 -1.533 0.7857 0.4419 1.472e-07
GL018717 314,346 48659_40 -1.471 0.8571 0.5795 1.555e-06
GL018723 261,534 235050_26 -2.152 0.9773 0.8333 5.513e-06
GL018723 266,003 206301_14 -2.047 0.9792 0.8585 4.882e-05
GL018739 75,851 41475_63 -1.232 0.7273 0.4375 2.309e-05
GL018761 75,552 36037_47 -2.377 0.9894 0.8962 0.0001096
GL018878 365,646 218710_78 -1.214 0.6667 0.3725 3.554e-05
GL019096 125,145 11492_22 -1.717 0.9592 0.8085 4.587e-05
GL019406 5,672 5908_8 -1.657 0.96 0.8208 0.0001212
Estimated allele frequencies for SNPs found to be significant under analysis by FLK only. In each case the `A` allele represents the major allele in the 1996 population.

Estimated allele frequencies for SNPs found to be significant under analysis by FLK only. In each case the A allele represents the major allele in the 1996 population.

SNPs Associated With Populations Under Analysis By Genotype Only

Summary of changes in heterozygosity between the two timepoints. Changes in the log Odds ratio of observing heterozygotes are given, along with estimated population-level heterozygote frequencies. Results from testing by genotype count are given as raw p-values. All SNPs were considered as differentially associated with the two populations under the genotype count analysis to an FDR of 10%, However, no significant changes in allele frequencies were detected using an FDR of 5% for FLK analysis.
Chr BP snpID Change in log(OR) P_1996 P_2012 Genotype_p
14 92,793,012 101831_18 -2.253 0.3778 0.06 2.741e-05
18 14,288,883 72030_54 -1.408 0.7347 0.4038 0.0001334
2 37,519,845 184763_8 -2 0.4348 0.0943 0.0001431
2 47,053,622 185586_34 -2.611 0.3571 0.0392 8.657e-05
5 12,946,260 158509_87 3.324 0.6429 0.9804 1.365e-05
6 27,103,573 157156_58 -1.588 0.6981 0.3208 6.578e-05
6 27,103,576 157157_45 -1.653 0.7115 0.3208 5.68e-05
7 2,702,916 151249_77 -2.091 0.3269 0.0566 9.629e-05
7 2,702,919 151251_13 -2.091 0.3269 0.0566 9.629e-05
7 38,250,131 151791_54 -2.582 0.3462 0.0385 9.501e-05
7 131,862,327 147965_18 -Inf 0.3043 0 6.312e-06
9 48,543,229 134595_50 1.541 0.3061 0.6731 0.000107
GL018754 1,365,061 37345_16 -1.453 0.7111 0.3654 5.665e-05
GL018754 1,395,679 37349_74 -1.34 0.6939 0.3725 0.0001063
GL018754 1,395,711 37350_8 -1.369 0.7 0.3725 1e-04
GL018758 1,220,835 36566_45 -1.055 0.5962 0.3396 0.0001331
GL018758 1,220,869 36567_12 -1.055 0.5962 0.3396 0.0001331
Estimated genotype frequencies for SNPs found to be significant under analysis by genotype only. In each case the `A` allele represents the major allele in the 1996 population.

Estimated genotype frequencies for SNPs found to be significant under analysis by genotype only. In each case the A allele represents the major allele in the 1996 population.


Both sets of results were output as genotypeResults.tsv and alleleResults.tsv

alleleResults %>% 
  left_join(allData) %>% 
  distinct(snpID, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 
  dplyr::select(snpID, Chr, BP, p, adjP, FDR) %>%
  write_tsv(file.path("..", "results", "alleleResults.tsv"))
genotypeResults %>% 
  left_join(allData) %>% 
  distinct(snpID, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 
  dplyr::select(snpID, Chr, BP, p, adjP, FDR) %>%
  write_tsv( file.path("..", "results", "genotypeResults.tsv"))

R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)

**Platform:** x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages: grid, parallel, stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods and base

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