nCores <- min(12, detectCores() - 1)


This supplementary analysis uses the FLK model as outlined in Bonhomme et al, Detecting Selection in Population Trees: The Lewontin and Krakauer Test Extended. This test is robust to genetic drift, and is able to detect signatures of selection. However as this is a linear evolution dataset within one population as opposed to a series of approximately parallel selection events occurring within a series of populations, the assumptions of the FLK model may be less than satisfied. Hence this is presented as supplementary information.

A third population was included as an outlier group, representing a population separated by a large geographic distance. 35 samples were taken from Schwensow et al.


Genome & Genes

Whilst aligned to the RefSeq/NCBI genome build, for compatibility with Ensembl gene models, a mapping object was generated from the RefSeq Assembly Report

ncbiReport <- file.path("..", "data", "GCF_000003625.3_OryCun2.0_assembly_report.txt") %>%
  read_delim(delim = "\t", col_names = FALSE, na = "na", comment = "#") %>%
  set_colnames(c("Sequence-Name", "Sequence-Role", "Assigned-Molecule", "Assigned-Molecule-Location/Type", "GenBank-Accn", "Relationship", "RefSeq-Accn", "Assembly-Unit", "Sequence-Length", "UCSC-style-name")) %>%
ensUsesGB <- grepl("scaffold",ncbiReport$`Sequence-Role`)
ncbiReport$Ensembl <- ncbiReport$`Sequence-Name`
ncbiReport$Ensembl[ensUsesGB] <- gsub("\\.[0-9]$", "", ncbiReport$`GenBank-Accn`[ensUsesGB])
ncbi2Ens <- with(ncbiReport, data.frame(Chr = Ensembl, 
                                        Length = `Sequence-Length`,
                                        row.names = `RefSeq-Accn`))

Gene information was obtained from Ensembl Build 84 and loaded

ensGff <- file.path("..", "data", "Oryctolagus_cuniculus.OryCun2.0.84.gff3.gz")
ensGenes <- import.gff3(ensGff, feature.type = "gene", sequenceRegionsAsSeqinfo = TRUE) 

Data Loading

The same stacks output as in 02_snpFiltering was loaded, retaining data from the third population (Turretfield).

allData <- file.path("..", "data", "batch_3.sumstats.tsv.gz") %>%
  gzfile() %>%
  read_delim(delim = "\t", col_names = TRUE, skip = 3) %>%
  dplyr::select(-contains("Batch"), -contains("Pi"), -contains("Fis")) %>%
  mutate(RefSeq = gsub("^gi\\|.+\\|ref\\|(.+)\\|$", "\\1", Chr),
         Chr = as.character(ncbi2Ens[RefSeq, "Chr"]),
         snpID = paste(`Locus ID`, Col, sep="_"),
         Private = as.logical(Private)) %>%
  filter(Chr != "X",
         Col > 4) %>%
  dplyr::select(Chr, BP, `Locus ID`, Col, snpID, 
                `Pop ID`, contains("Nuc"),  N, P, 
                contains("Obs"), contains("Exp"), Private)
allSnpsGR <- allData %>%
  distinct(snpID, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ignore.strand = TRUE,
                           keep.extra.columns = TRUE,
                           seqinfo = seqinfo(ensGenes), 
                           seqnames.field = "Chr", 
                           start.field = "BP", 
                           end.field = "BP") %>%
mcols(allSnpsGR) <- DataFrame(snpID = allSnpsGR$snpID)

FLK Analysis

The script FLK.R was obtained from the QGSP and loaded into R


Define Neutral Loci

hitsIn100kb <- findOverlaps(
  allSnpsGR %>%
    resize(width = 200001,fix = "center") %>%
neutLoci <- allSnpsGR %>%
  magrittr::extract(setdiff(seq_along(.), queryHits(hitsIn100kb))) %>%
  mcols() %>%
neutData <- allData %>%
  filter(snpID %in% neutLoci) %>%
  distinct(Chr, BP, `Pop ID`, .keep_all = TRUE)

As a broad definition of neutral loci, the set of SNPs > 100kb from any known gene were selected. After removal of duplicate loci, this gave a set of 26,097 SNPs.

Neutral SNPs were again checked to ensure that the P allele was the same as used in the 1996 population.

neutData <- neutData %>%
  split(f = .$snpID) %>%
    if (length(unique(x$`P Nuc`)) != 3){
     pop2Change <- which(x$`P Nuc` != x$`P Nuc`[1])
     x$`P Nuc`[pop2Change] <- x$`P Nuc`[1]
     x$`Q Nuc`[pop2Change] <- x$`Q Nuc`[1]
     x$P[pop2Change] <- 1 - x$P[pop2Change] 
  }, mc.cores = nCores) %>%
  bind_rows() %>%
  arrange(Chr, BP, `Pop ID`)
N <- allData %>% 
  group_by(`Pop ID`) %>% 
  summarise(maxN = max(N)) %>%
  mutate(minN = round(0.95*maxN))

The list of Neutral SNPs were then restricted to those identified in >95% of individuals within all populations.

neutMatrix <- neutData %>%
  left_join(N) %>%
  group_by(snpID) %>%
  filter(all(N > minN)) %>%
  mutate(`Pop ID` = c("Gum Creek (1996)", "Oraparinna (2012)", "Turretfield (2010)")[`Pop ID`]) %>%
  dcast(snpID~`Pop ID`, value.var = "P") %>%
  filter(`Gum Creek (1996)` != 1) %>%
  column_to_rownames("snpID") %>%
  as.matrix() %>%

Co-ancestry Matrix (F_ij)

The above gave a final list of 1171 neutral SNPs for estimation of Reynolds Distance as the first step towards calculating the co-ancestry matrix \(\mathcal{F}_{ij}\).

reynDist <- reynolds(neutMatrix)
Reynolds Distance as calculated using the neutral loci as defined above.
  Gum Creek (1996) Oraparinna (2012) Turretfield (2010)
Gum Creek (1996) 0 0.01062 0.08543
Oraparinna (2012) 0.01062 0 0.09209
Turretfield (2010) 0.08543 0.09209 0
F_ij <- Fij(neutMatrix, "Turretfield (2010)", reynDist)
Neighbour-joining Tree for all 3 populations.

Neighbour-joining Tree for all 3 populations.

FLK Results

regionSnps <- file.path("..", "results", "regionSNPs.txt") %>% readLines()
testData <-  file.path("..", "data", "filteredSNPs.tsv.gz") %>%
  gzfile() %>%
  read_delim(delim = "\t") %>%
  filter(!snpID %in% regionSnps)

The set of 18,393 SNPs previously obtained for testing after all filtering steps were then tested using the FLK model. (1943 SNPs previously identified as showing a regional effect in the 2012 population were removed from FLK analysis.) P-values obtained under FLK were adjusted using Bonferroni’s method to obtain a set of high-confidence SNPs, then using Benjamini-Hochberg’s FDR to provide a larger set for testing of GO enrichment.

flkResults <- testData %>%
  dplyr::select(snpID, `Pop ID`, P) %>%
  mutate(`Pop ID` = c("Gum Creek (1996)", "Oraparinna (2012)")[`Pop ID`]) %>%
  acast(`Pop ID` ~ snpID ) %>%
  FLK(Fij = F_ij) %>%
  rownames_to_column("snpID") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  dplyr::select(snpID, Ht, contains("F.LK")) %>%
  mutate(FDR = p.adjust(F.LK.p.val, method = "fdr"),
         P_bonf = p.adjust(F.LK.p.val, method = "bonferroni")) %>%
flkResults <- testData %>%
  dplyr::select(snpID, Chr, BP, `Pop ID`, `P Nuc`, `Q Nuc`, P) %>%
  mutate(`Pop ID` = c("Gum Creek (1996)", "Oraparinna (2012)")[`Pop ID`]) %>%
  split(f = .$snpID) %>%
  lapply(mutate, `Q Nuc` = `Q Nuc`[1]) %>%
  bind_rows() %>%
  mutate(SNP = paste(`P Nuc`, `Q Nuc`, sep = "/")) %>%
  dcast(snpID + Chr + BP + SNP  ~ `Pop ID`, value.var = "P") %>%
  right_join(flkResults) %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%

A total of 6 SNPs retained significance after the Bonferroni adjustment with a total of 48 being considered in the larger set of SNPs with an FDR of 0.05.

flkResults %>%
  write_tsv( file.path("..", "results", "flkResults.tsv"))
Manhattan plot showing results for all SNPs on chromosomes 1:21 when analysing using the FLK model. The horizontal line indicates the cutoff for an FDR of 5%, with SNPs considered significant under the Bonferroni adjustment shown in green.

Manhattan plot showing results for all SNPs on chromosomes 1:21 when analysing using the FLK model. The horizontal line indicates the cutoff for an FDR of 5%, with SNPs considered significant under the Bonferroni adjustment shown in green.

Comparison of allele frequencies in both populations for all tested SNPs. SNPs considered as significant under FLK to an FDR of 0.05 are highlighted in red.

Comparison of allele frequencies in both populations for all tested SNPs. SNPs considered as significant under FLK to an FDR of 0.05 are highlighted in red.

R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)

**Platform:** x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages: parallel, stats4, stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods and base

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