
BIOINF 7150 – Graph Genomes Prac

Learning objectives

In this exercise you learn how to

Getting started

First you will need to activate the conda environment that we will be using.

conda activate variation

vg is a large collection of tools that is under very active development, to ensure we have access easily to the lastest versions of the software, we use the Docker. It is already available on the course workstations. If you want to bulid it on your laptop, follow the instructions at the vg homepage (note that building vg and all submodules from source can take ~1h).

To test if things are working smoothly, you can run:

docker run date

The command above will run the vg “container” if it already exist on your machine, update it if there’s a newer version, and download it if this is the first time you are to use the container.

In this exercise, you will use small toy examples from the test directory. So make sure you have checked out vg:

cd data
git clone

Now create a directory to work on for this tutorial:

mkdir exercise1
cp vg/test/tiny/tiny* exercise1/
cd exercise1

How do we give docker access to our files?

To simplify our lives, we are going to create an alias for docker’s call to vg:

alias vg="docker run -v $PWD:/data vg"

The above command replaces the long command with vg. However, note that it binds always the local directory to /data path inside the container.

Constructing and viewing your first graphs

Like many other toolkits, vg is comes with many different subcommands. First we will use vg construct to build our first graph. Run it without parameters to get information on its usage:

vg construct

Let’s construct a graph from just one sequence in file tiny/tiny.fa, which looks like this:


To construct a graph, run

vg construct -r tiny.fa -m 32 >

This will create a (very boring) graph that just consists of a linear chain of nodes, each with 32 characters.

The switch -m tells vg to put at most 32 characters into each graph node. (You might want to run it with different values and observe the different results.) To visualize a graph, you can use vg view. Per default, vg view will output a graph in GFA format. By adding -j or -d, you can generate JSON or DOT output.

vg view /data/
vg view -d /data/

To work with the JSON output the tool jq comes in handy. To get all sequences in the graph, for instance, try

# Install jq:
conda install -c conda-forge jq

vg view -j /data/ | jq '.node[].sequence'

Next, we use graphviz to layout the graph representation in DOT format.

# Install dot:
conda install -c anaconda graphviz

vg view -d /data/ | dot -Tpdf -o tiny.ref.pdf

View the PDF and compare it to the input sequence. Now vary the parameter passed to -m of vg construct and visualize the result.

Ok, let’s build a new graph that has some variants built into it. First, take a look at at tiny/tiny.vcf.gz, which contains variants in (gzipped) VCF format.

vg construct -r /data/tiny.fa -v /data/tiny.vcf.gz -m 32 >

Visualize the outcome.

Ok, that’s nice, but you might wonder which sequence of nodes actually corresponds to the sequence (tiny.fa) you started from? To keep track of that, vg adds a path to the graph. Let’s add this path to the visualization.

vg view -dp /data/ | dot -Tpdf -o tiny.pdf

You find the output too crowded? Option -S removes the sequence labels and only plots node IDs.

vg view -dpS /data/ | dot -Tpdf -o tiny.pdf

Another tool that comes with the graphviz package is Neato. It creates force-directed layouts of a graph.

vg view -dpS /data/ | neato -Tpdf -o tiny.pdf

For these small graphs, the difference is not that big, but for more involved cases, these layouts can be much easier to read.

A better solution for larger graphs is Bandage, which is designed for visualizing assembly graphs. It can’t display path information, but it can scale to multi-megabase graphs with ease. Adjust the --nodewidth parameter (e.g. --nodewidth 100, up to 1000) if you are rendering a large graph and the resulting image appears blank.

vg view /data/ > x.gfa
Bandage image /data/x.gfa /data/x.gfa.png

You can also apply vg viz to obtain a special kind of linear layout that scales well without losing path information. It requires the xg index, which we’ll build first.

vg index -x /data/tiny.xg /data/
vg viz -x /data/tiny.xg -o /data/tiny.svg

If the graph is very big, you’ll need to view tiny.svg in chrome or chromium web browser.